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Quality product from INTERIOR'S Materials: Sides in MDF (medium-density fiberboard) veneered on 1 side in Recycled Wood "various species: Hevea, Acacia, Pine, ..." Cornice, skirting board, shelf, drawer fronts in Pine (Pinus Radiata), "assembled wood slats in the manner of drawers in Pine (Pinus Radiata) Plywood drawer bottoms and backs Steel structure and doors Antimony, anthracite metal label handles
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Materials: Sides in MDF (medium-density fiberboard) veneered on 1 side with Recycled Wood "various species: Hevea, acacia, pine, ..." Cornice, Plinth, Shelf, Drawer front in Pine (Pinus Radiata), "assembled wood slats in the manner of drawers in Pine (Pinus Radiata) Plywood drawer bottom and back Steel structure and doors Metal label holder shell handles antimony, anthracite Features: 2 glass doors (1 handle per door) 3 removable and adjustable shelves 6 drawers aspect 2 false drawers (2 shell handles per drawer) Other dimensions : Inside drawer dimensions - Length: 40 cm - Height: 13 cm - Depth: 30 cm Shelf dimensions - Length: 96 cm - Depth: 33 cm Technical specifications: Entirely hand-sanded Care: Do not use abrasive products or materials Inside the cabinet, use only a dry cloth (do not use a sponge)
Tout le contenu de cette page est la propriété de ou contrôlé par Décoration
d'Autrefois - FRANCE DECO et est protégé par les lois mondiales sur le
droit d'auteur. Les modèles de mobilier sont enregistrés - Le droit
d'auteur est valable dans 164 pays.
content of this page is owned or controlled by Décoration d'Autrefois -
FRANCE DECO and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. Designs of
furnitures are Registered - Copyright valid in 164 countries.
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Quality product from INTERIOR'S Materials: Sides in MDF (medium-density fiberboard) veneered on 1 side in Recycled Wood "various species: Hevea, Acacia, Pine, ..." Cornice, skirting board, shelf, drawer fronts in Pine (Pinus Radiata), "assembled wood slats in the manner of drawers in Pine (Pinus Radiata) Plywood drawer bottoms and backs Steel structure and doors Antimony, anthracite metal label handles