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content of this page is owned or controlled by Décoration d'Autrefois -
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Quality product from INTERIOR'S Materials: Hevea cutting board Pine (Pinus Radiata) cabinet body Plywood cabinet side panels Metal shell handle, Aged cork Metal towel rail, Aged cork
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Materials: Hevea cutting board Pine (Pinus Radiata) cabinet body Plywood cabinet side panels Metal shell handle, Aged cork Metal cloth holder bar, Aged cork Features: 1 drawer (1 shell handle) 2 bins with hand-painted lettering Bottle compartments (4-bottle capacity) 1 unassembled cloth holder bar can be attached to the side of the cabinet 1 cutting board Other dimensions: Length: 69 cm (without metal bar) Length: 72.5 cm (with metal bar) Interior dimensions drawer -Length: 46 cm -Height: 7 cm -Depth: 43 cm Interior dimensions tray -Length: 30 cm -Height: 17 cm -Depth: 42 cm Interior dimensions bottle holder -Length: 11 cm -Height: 10 cm -Depth: 34 cm Technical details: Self-assembly Cabinet entirely hand-painted and sanded Care instructions: Do not use abrasive products or materials
Tout le contenu de cette page est la propriété de ou contrôlé par Décoration
d'Autrefois - FRANCE DECO et est protégé par les lois mondiales sur le
droit d'auteur. Les modèles de mobilier sont enregistrés - Le droit
d'auteur est valable dans 164 pays.
content of this page is owned or controlled by Décoration d'Autrefois -
FRANCE DECO and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. Designs of
furnitures are Registered - Copyright valid in 164 countries.
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Jouez la carte de l’originalité : offrez-vous une décoration vintage atypique ! Cette horloge ancienne murale Fabrique de Chocolat en métal vous fera succomber !
Quality product from INTERIOR'S Materials: Hevea cutting board Pine (Pinus Radiata) cabinet body Plywood cabinet side panels Metal shell handle, Aged cork Metal towel rail, Aged cork